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Stepover fruit tree catalogue

Increasing in popularity every year, these make a beautiful and novel edging to the garden border, a pathway, or an allotment or kirchen garden. These very small trees grow just 15-18″ high with a spread of around 4′; they should not be expected to produce large crops because the tree is so small, but they are decorative and the fruits that are produced are large and well flavoured.

Plant 4′ apart.

This section contains a range of our most popular stepover varieties in an easy to access and order format.

You can also search for further varieties within the main fruit section categories; select a variety then from the drop down menu the stepover option.

Showing all 19 results

  • Stepover apple grenadier


     An ideal cooking apple to come before Bramleys, Grenadier is ready in August. The large pea green fruits are ideal for baking, stewing and pies and have a loveyl flavour indeed. Frost tolerant and easy to grow. Grenadier can be pollinated by Scrumptious, James Grieve, Greensleeves, Redsleeves, Cox’s etc.  Plant 4′ apart as a stepover. 

  • Stepover Apple Tree Bountiful


     A very good cooking apple tree, especially if you prefer not to use sugar on your apples. Bountiful is sweet enough to be eaten without any sugar and is ideal for baking, stewing, pies and juicing. An easy tree to grow, reliable and prolific, the medium sized pale green fruits sometimes have a slight orange flush on the sunny side. Beautiful in blossom, precocious and trouble free. Easily pollinated by a host of mid season flowering varieties as is itself a good pollinator for other varieties. Plant 4′ apart as a stepover. 

  • Stepover apple tree Bramleys Seedling


     And here is Englands favourite Cooker, here in stepover form. The fruits are very, very large, pale green with a bold scarlet flush on the sunny side. Cooks to a sharp puree; ideal for all culinary purposes. Will keep in store until January/February. Bramleys Seedling needs to be pollinated with two other apple varieties for the best results. Cox’s, Scrumptious, Greensleeves, Discovery, Grenadier, Limelight etc are all suitable. Plant 4′ apart. 

  • Stepover apple tree Cox’s Orange self fertile


     Englands favourite and most richly flavoured apple variety, here in a stepover tree. This form of Cox’s Orange is self fertile, so no pollinators are required. Season October; will store until Christmas or beyond. The fruits are orange/yellow flushed scarlet.  Plant 4′ apart. 

  • Stepover Apple Tree Discovery


     Discovery is our favouriote early eater and nit’s beautiful; sweet tasty flavour is one of summers finest treats. One of the earliest of apples, Discovery can be harvested and eaten in August and early September. Frost tolerant and free fruiting, the fruits are predominantly red flushed. For best results pollinate with Redsleeves, Cox’s, Grenadier, Saturn etc. Plant 4′ apart as a stepover. 

  • Stepover apple tree Greensleeves


     This variety does particularly well as a stepover and it is self fertile so there are no pollination issues.  Greensleeves is a pale green crisply juicy apple with a slight yellow flush when fully ripe. It is ready from late September, and will keep until November. Easy to grow and productive, suitable for all area’s. Flavour and style is akin to a Golden Delicious, but better, more juicy and refreshing but still sweet. Plant 4′ apart. 

  • Stepover apple tree James Grieve


     A famous name in Apple growing history, James Grieve remains one of the most popular of all varieties. The flavour is quite sharp and suitable for cooking at first, later on it is enjoyed for dessert. Season mid september-october. The fruits are pale green/yellow stippled with orange. Polliante with Cox’s, Grenadier, Bountiful, Redsleeves, Discovery etc. Plant 4′ apart. 

  • Stepover apple tree Limelight


     Limelight was selected from the popular Greesneleeves and has an akmost luminous chartreuse-yellow colouring that is most attractive even though it is not a highly coloured variety. The taste is juicy, refreshing and clean, and the fruits can be enjoyed from late September to November. Limelight is ideal as a stepover as it is naturally compact and freely spurring, so crops well even as a small tree. This variety is self fertile so you do not need to worry about pollinating partners; it is itself also a good pollinator for other apples. Plant 4′ apart. 

  • Stepover Apple Tree Red Falstaff


     Red Falstaff is now our most popular variety and it isn’t hard to see why as it has an enviable list of qualities. It’s blossom is very frost resistant, and will set a good yield even during cold frosty springs. It is largely free of diseases and ideal for organic growing.  The heavy crops of red flushed yellow fruits will keep in store until Christmas and have a dense, juicy, crisp flesh. The style and flavour is similar to a Braeburn. Easy to grow and reliable, Red Falstaff is suitable for all areas and is SELF FERTILE meaning it does…

  • Stepover apple tree Redsleeves


     Redsleeves is a variety introduced by Chris Bowers. It has always helf a special place in our collection and is one of the best of all garden apples.  Redsleeves is an early apple with beautiful rosy red fruits ripening in August. Unusually for an early variety, they will keep in good condition for several weeks. The flavour is sublime; sweet and refreshingly juicy. Crisp texture, maintaining this quality even in storage. Redsleeves is self fertile so needs no pollinators! It is good even for Northern areas and highly recommended. Plant 4′ apart.

  • Stepover apple tree saturn


     Saturn is an ideal garden tree because it is very disease resistant and needs no spraying to keep disease at bay. This makes it perfect for organic growing and is a clean and attractive looking tree. The dessert fruits are medium to large and pale orange flushed, flavour is sweet and pleasant and the texture quite crisp. Will keep in store for several weeks, until Christmas or beyond. This variety is self fertile so you do not need to select pollinating partners, it is itself also a good pollinator for other varieties. Plant 4′ apart. 

  • Stepover apple tree Scrumptious


     This is a new variety with some very special qualities. Scrumptious is coloured a deep shiny ruby red, it’s flowers are self pollinating and it can be enjoyed from late September for several weeks. The flavour is sensational; sweet but not cloying, with hints of liqorice and cherries! The flesh is very white and juicy. Easy to grow and frost tolerant; highly recommended. Plant 4′ apart as a stepover. Self fertile. 

  • Stepover Greengage Tree Oullins


     This is the sweetest Gage tree you can plant, the juicy deep golden flesh of Oullins Golden Gage is so honey-like and well flavoured it is guaranteed to bring pleasure. It is perfect for plucking from the tree when fully ripe and eating fresh. Oullins Golden Gage is one of the hardier Gage trees and is self fertile. If you prefer a ‘true’ Green Greengage then look for Dennistons Superb or Old Fashioned Greengage in our main section.

  • Stepover Pear Tree Concorde


     Concorde is a newer Pear variety than Conference and is propving to be a superior variety. Raised from a cross between Conference and Doyenne du Comice, Concorde bears prolific crops of moderately sized golden russetted fruits. They ripen earlier than Conference, from late September and many say the flavour is even better.  Ideal for all areas, including the North, self fertile and easy to grow. Also a good pollinator for Williams and other Pear varieties. Compact and prol;ific and easily grown. Plant 4′ apart. 

  • Stepover Pear Tree Conference


    Ask anyone to name a Pear and likely it is Conference they will choose. This universally popular variety has for many years been the most popular garden Pear tree. The long olive green fruits ripen sweet and juicy and can be enjoyed whilst still crispy, or allowed to mellow and become tender. The season is October and November, Conference is self fertile so needs no pollinators, and does well everywhere. Plant 4.5′ apart.  

  • Stepover Pear Tree Williams


     Williams Bon Chretien is famerd for it’s divine sweetly aromatic and perfumed flavour that is incredibly more-ish. The fruits ripen to a pleasing pale yellow and have a wonderful characteristic, tempting aroma. Ready for eating in September, Williams is a very desirable variety to have in your garden. It needs a pollinator to fruit well; Conference, Concorde or Beth will all do the job well. Plant 4.5′ apart as a stepover. 

  • Stepover Plum Tree Czar


     Czar is an old-time favourite and ideal as an early season Plum as it ripens well before Victoria and Jubilee. The deep purple Plums are of good quality and can be used from late July or early August. Predominantly used for cooking, making superb jams, pies and crumbles, the fruits freeze or bottle well but are also considered by many to be good for dessert use as well. Hardy and reliable; Czar is self fertile so there are no pollination issues. Suitable even for the North. Plant 4′ apart. 

  • Stepover Plum Tree Jubilee


     A new variety from Sweden that is becoming very popular. Jubilee is very frost tolerant, self fertile, and very high yielding. The fruits are of good quality and ripen about 2 weeks before Victoria. The deep yellow flesh is sweet, juicy and well flavoured. Jubilee could be described as the ideal garden Plum tree and does well as a stepover also. Self fertile so needs no pollinators, also a good pollinator for other Plum varieties. Plant 4′ apart. 

  • Stepover Plum Tree Victoria


     Scarcely needing introduction, this classic variety is the most famous Plum tree in English orchard History. The flavour of the juicy reddish fruits is sweet and divine, and versatile too – just as good stewed, bottled, made into james and pies, as it is for eating fresh. Victoria is self fertile so can be grown on it’s own. Newer varieties are now more reliable but that doesn’t seem to have dimmed the appeal of Victoria.

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