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Articles for Damsons

Damson Trees – Planting & Aftercare

Growing Damsons in containers Select from a complete range of Damson trees for sale here. Provided you choose the Pixy rootstock it is entirely permissible to keep your Damson tree in a pot. I recommend a 24” container and a loam based potting compost for these trees. John Innes no 2 is good, or whatever you can get that is similarly loam based. Additional feed can be given once the tree is established. We use Osmocote tablets here on the Nursery because a single application lasts the whole season. Miracle grow or even tomato feed can be given as alternatives. […]

Damsons – Pruning & Container Growing

Pruning & Aftercare Pruning Damsons is the same as for plums and gages, as follows and will depend on the form of tree you are growing. Order Damson trees here! THE DWARF PYRAMID This is by far the best trained form for plums and cherries if you require your tree to remain an easily manageable size. Plums can even be grown in a fruit cage using this method and all trees are easily netted from birds, which is very important with cherries. After planting the tree it can be left until the Spring and as growth starts the main stem […]

Damsons – Tree Rootstocks & Pollination

The Damson Fruit Tree The Damson fruit tree is a very old fruit that originates from Northern Europe; it is a hardier bet than the Plum for less favourable positions and has traditional associations with Cumbria where ‘Damson Day’ is still held in celebration of this fruit. It is said to tolerate wetter soils than the Plum though it should be stressed it won’t appreciate sitting in water but it can nevertheless be considered for less ideal situations. That is not to say the Damson deserves relegation to some dark and dingy corner simply because no other fruit tree will […]

The Ultimate Guide To Fruit Trees – Plums, Gages & Damsons

Perhaps the most delectable of all the fruits, can you ever have too many Plums? Gages and Damsons are closely inter-related; the former generally require a warmer aspect than Plums, whilst the latter are hardier still and do well in Northern areas. All appreciate the same general cultivation rules and are grafted on to the same rootstocks. Buy Plum trees for immediate planting by clicking here.  Rootstocks for Plum, Gage & Damson trees There is only a limited selection of rootstocks for plum trees, listed in order of size, smallest first. Pixy Pixy is by far the most popular tree […]