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Apple Trees

Apple trees for sale

Our apple trees are available in the following types:
Miniature Apple Tree (M27 Rootstock), Dwarf Apple Tree (M9), Semi Vigorous Apple Tree (M26), Vigorous Apple Tree (M106), Very Vigorous Apple Tree (M25), Cordon Apple Tree, Mini Cordon Apple Tree, Supercolumns Apple Tree, Stepover Apple Tree, Half Standard Apple Tree, Espaliers Apple Tree and Fans Apple Tree.

Chris Bowers have a great range of apple trees for sale, which are suitable for planting in regular gardens of all sizes throughout the UK. Our trees come in an extensive range which includes established and new varieties which are suitable for planting in a range of soil and climatic conditions so if you are looking to buy apple trees you have come to the best place!

Most of the apple trees which we sell are E.M.L.A. virus tested – so you can be sure that you’re buying premium trees which will produce high quality fruit year after year in line with our Gold Health Standard and Guarantee.

You may also want to check our ornamental crab apple trees.


Fruit Colour


Other Characteristics





Showing 1–20 of 149 results

  • Beauty Of Bath Apple Trees


    An old variety that is still popular. Very early fruits at the end of July that are small to medium in size. The fruits are yellow-green with a deep red flush, and have a moderate flavour. Pollinators include: Egremont Russet, George Cave, Idared, Lord Lambourne, Greensleeves etc.

  • Christmas Pearmain Apple Trees


    One of the most famous and sought after of the many ‘Pearmains’, First recorded in 1893 but very difficult to obtain now. Always known as one of the most excitingly flavoured varieties, the partly russetted, circular, moderately sized fruits have a deep, rich flavour which makes storage of the fruits a severe test of willpower! For harvesting early October and eating November-January, this variety is appropriately, probably at its very best around Christmas time.

  • D’estivale Ambassy Apple Trees


    An early variety of apple trees for eating from September. The handsome red flushed fruits are borne very abundantly and are crisp, sweet and very juicy with an excellent flavour. Suitable for planting in all areas, hardy and reliable. This variety continues to be planted on a small scale commercially, despite the fact that the fruits do not travel well. This is because the flavour is so very good that the fruits always find a market. Pollinate with Lord Lambourne, Idared, Sunrise etc.

  • Egremont Russet Apple Trees


    Picking late September, stores well. Brown variety with firm yellow/white flesh, Nutty flavour, Still the best russet apple. Pollinators include: James Grieve, Greensleeves, Grenadier and Fortune. The blossom has good frost tolerance.

  • Fall Russett Apple Trees


    A very old Russet variety thought to have been discovered originally in 1875 in the U.S.A. Fall Russet forms a low spreading tree and although the fruits are small, it yields heavily and the flavour is very intense described as being like an early Ribston Pippin. The fruits are almost entirely covered in a warm golden tan russetting Season early September to mid October.SOLD OUT If you add this variety to basket an alternative within the same pollination group will be supplied

  • Granny Smith Apple Trees


    The popular Australian winter storing variety that keeps well until April. Crops exceptionally well in a warm dry summer. Often used for cooking when grown in this country. Large, green fruits with a crisp, firm flesh. Pollinators include: Bountiful, Greensleeves etc.

  • Idared Apple Trees


    For picking in late October and will store well until May. The large fruits are yellow with a red flush and the flesh is white and juicy. The flavour is good and the fruits have the advantage that they are very suitable for cooking as well as dessert. Pollinated by. Egremont Russet, Discovery, Cox Greensleeves, James Grieve, Irish Peach, Redsleeves etc. A first class eating variety that is one of the easiest for long term storing. Has resistance to Scab and is itself a good pollinator for other varieties.

  • Irish Peach Apple Trees


    This variety is one of the very best for eating straight from the tree, when the flavour is one of the finest of all. Crops well and easy to grow. Good, upright growth. ready for eating August. Pollinators include: Idared, Lord Lambourne, Egremont Russet, Granny Smith etc.Photo courtesy of Clifford Cain

  • Lady Lambourne Apple Trees


    Lord Lambourne is of course one of the most popular of all Garden Apples but how many of you know his wife, the lovely Lady Lambourne! Found in Berkshire in 1945, this sport from Lord Lambourne has the most beautiful intensely coloured fruits which exhibit various sunset shades of orange, red and yellow. In all other respects it is identical to Lord Lambourne with the same excellent flavour. A most remarkably beautiful apple which every connoisseur will want to try.

  • Lord Lambourne Apple Trees


    A regular and heavy cropper that is ready in October to early November. Medium round fruits, greenish yellow with a bright crimson flush and darker red strips. White crisp, juicy flesh with a sweet, very pleasant flavour. A small tree of moderate vigour that is suitable for planting everywhere, including the north. Pollinators include: Egremont Russet, Idared, Limelight, Greensleeves etc.

  • Michaelmas Red Apple Trees


    Very similar to Worcester, but ripens 2 weeks later. Not a tip bearer, so better than Worcester for cordons.

  • Rev. W. Wilks Apple Trees


    September/October picking. The tender white flesh cooks to a golden froth. Superb for dumplings and baking. Quality exhibition fruits. Not a good pollinator for other varieties. Pollinate with: Irish Peach, Egremont Russet, Lord Lambourne etc.

  • Rivers Early Peach Apple Trees


    A very old variety raised by the famous Rivers Nursery in 1893. Similar to Irish Peach but, experts believe, with an even finer flavour, indeed caught at the right time there is a distinct peach-like character, and always a very sweet and juicy apple, The season is very early, first half of August & best eaten straight from the tree. Pollinate with Egremont, Lord Lambourne, Idared, Violette etc.

  • Scarlet Pimpernel


    A very pretty apple of bright scarlet almost covering the yellow ground. Crisp, juicy and pleasantly sweet though refreshing, this is one of the earliest varieties. Suitable for eating straight from the tree late July and throughout August. A very productive cultivar, some thinning is necessary in years of over abundance to ensure a crop the next year. Origins – U.S.A. 1944. Pollinators include Greensleeves, Discovery, Redsleeves, James Grieve, Egremont Russet, Beauty of Bath, Merton Knave. SELECT THE BEST ‘SCARLET PIMPERNEL’ TREE FOR YOUR GARDEN Miniature tree ‘rootstock M27’ This is ideal for a small garden and is also the…

  • St Edmund’s Pippin Apple Trees


    (Russet): Sweet, juicy firm, russett fruits for mid-September. Small, upright. spreading tree.

  • Vistabella Apple tree


     An early variety for eating late July and into August. Ther fruits are most attractive and predominantly red, with a crisp and juicy flesh. A strong growing tree; pollinators include Redsleeves, Greensleeves, Irish Peach, Idared, Eggremont Russet, Lord Lambourne. 

  • Sunrise Apple Trees


    A Canadian bred early variety with some impressive qualities. Sunrise is ready for picking during the second half of August and the fruits are of medium size and three quarters flushed red over a yellow background. They have a noticeable fruity aroma and a good clean flavour with plenty of juice. Unusually, the texture remains crisp for more than 2 weeks after picking; normally the early varieties are best eaten soon after harvest to enjoy them at their best. The blossom is easily pollinated by a wide range of other varieties and is also itself a very good pollinator. The…

  • Adams Pearmain Apple Trees


    The Adams Pearmain Apple is yellow with dull, crimson red and a dry nutty flavour. Wide spreading tree. Some resistance to Scab. For eating November to March.

  • Alkmene Apple Trees


    German raised in 1982. Season early-mid, an ideal garden variety that deserves wider appreciation, superb for it’s hardiness, flavour and reliable yield. Medium sized bright green-gold stippled raspberry red, base olive green. Flesh dense, crunchy, juicy with a dynamic, slightly aromatic yet honeyed and sweet flavour.For harvesting late September and use through to November.Has been the parent of many fine new varieties owing to it’s own disease resistance and hardiness. Blossom is frost tolerant, Compact growth even on more vigorous rootstocks.

  • Allington Pippin Apple Trees


    A Super variety once widely grown for its indescribably rich flavour but suffered a decline in popularity in the’30s. It deserves to be resurrected again now! A King of the Pippins, Cox cross with medium sized conical pale yellow fruits flushed with brownish red. The creamy coloured flesh has an intense fruity flavour with is at its best from Christmas onwards. It cooks very well prior to this with a sweet but not bland flavour. It is a good cropper but specimens in northern areas do not always produce well flavoured fruits. Pollinate with: Sunset, Discovery Alkmene, Redsleeves, Grenadier etc.Photo…

  • Apple tree branch with juicy apples

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